Avatar falls apart in SceneKit scene in iOS 17

suddenly we found a problem in our app after iOS 17 release: Everything works well on the SceneKit scene bellow iOS16. We can load an avatar and we can rotate nodes with given quaternions. But in iOS 17 it falls apart as we want to make any rotation. can anyone give me some hint what the problem can be?

in the attached image I show before and after rotation

Answered by frankVisztra in 766926022

solved programmatically I added the root of the avatar to a node and that caused this issue... but still don't know why it has fallen apart...at least it is solved

Accepted Answer

solved programmatically I added the root of the avatar to a node and that caused this issue... but still don't know why it has fallen apart...at least it is solved

Avatar falls apart in SceneKit scene in iOS 17