Charging Issues after Sonoma Upgrade

I have an M1 (2020 version) and an M2 (2022 version), I've updated the m2 (to Sonoma) first and the m1 the next day. It works just fine but charging was intermittent. The day after, both Macs stopped charging totally.

I've tried all possible solutions from the internet and Apple's support chat but nothing worked.

I've tried 4 chargers in total and my chargers would work on my brother's Macs which are still in Ventura. My chargers which would work on my Macs would work perfectly fine on my brother's Macs (Ventura).

I do not see any other threads/forums online of people having this issue so I wanted to check here if anybody else has the same issue as this?

P.S. I've sent both Macs to an authorized Apple service center for diagnostics but I'm wondering how this could happen since both Macs would work fine before I've upgraded. The issues started to appear only after the upgrade.

I have McBook Pro 2019 too and having the same problem since last four days, although I updated Sonomo many months before. My friend is having the same problem. Is anyone also experiencing when waken up from sleep mode on pressing the keyboard buttons , it is not waking up. Only by clicking the power button it is waking up. Any idea how to solve this issue ?

Same here, only after upgrading to Sonoma, I am on v14.4.. It's urgent, very distracting!

Yesterday I received a second hand macbook pro A2141 16 inches. All fine with original macos. I updated to 14.4 and when I plug USB-C cable it make sound and then it is not charging it at all Any advice?

My MBP16 m2 Max 2023 has got the same issue on Sonoma.

I use a command to watch the power adapter status. Save the following shell codes into a file named

/usr/sbin/ioreg  -r -bc AppleSmartBattery | /usr/bin/grep -i "AppleRawAdapterDetails"

then execute the following command to make executable:

chmod +x

then execute


For my MBP now, which the power adapter is connected to a usb-c hub and the hub is connected to the usb-c port of MBP. The full power of the adapter is 140W, while outputs the following

"AppleRawAdapterDetails" = ({"IsWireless"=No,"AdapterID"=0,"AdapterVoltage"=20000,"FamilyCode"=18446744073172697098,"UsbHvcHvcIndex"=4,"Watts"=60,"UsbHvcMenu"=({"Index"=0,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=5000},{"Index"=1,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=9000},{"Index"=2,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=12000},{"Index"=3,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=15000},{"Index"=4,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=20000}),"Current"=3000,"PMUConfiguration"=3000})

Obviously, the max power of my MBP is 140 Watts, and the current adapter just can provide 60 Watts. So if I run some software with heavy load on MBP, the battery drains.

However, things do not go such easy. Even when I connect the original power adapter with a mag-safe power cord, the battery drains slowly when the MBP is running. When I click the battery icon on the status bar and select the menu item "charge the battery", it seems the battery stops drain and started to be charged.

I believe this is a bug of Sonoma. Hope apple solve it ASAP.

I just bought a brand new MBP 14" M3 Pro and I have the same problem. Mine occurs when I try to charge via usb-c hub and put my MBP in clamshell. The first time it happened, my laptop was just 3 days old. I brought it to the service center and they couldn't find any reaosn for the error. All ports (usb-c and magsafe) refused to charge even with their cables and adapters. So, they replaced the unit. Now, three days form when I got the replacement, I tried to do the same thing again (charging via usb c hub + clamshell) and it stopped charging again! This is exhausting. Apple, please fix this!

Same here on macbookpro 16 2019, as soon as updated to sonoma, no charging, I have different charges and cables that worked well before, none of them work now. Can only charge with the lid closed, and then after a while boot, but it does not charge so goes back to no battery and shut off. This is a nightmare, the mac os updates are a bug problem, and I waited for more than 6 months, but it seems that we should wait for 2 years. It is becoming windows, very low quality, update just for update, and big issues like this one to move people away from apple to anything else! All this time since this report and still no fix!! What a disappointment.

Hi everyone! These days I had the same issue with my 16’ macbook pro M1 (2021) running Sonoma 14.5, and since I think I found the problem, or perhaps it would be better to say bug, I wanted to share with you what I did in order to charge my mac again and hoping I can help someone.

So, if you go to settings>battery, in this tab you have two energy mode options: battery power and plugged into a power adatapter . By default (I think) the energy mode plugged into a power adatapter should be set to automatic mode. When I switched this settings into low power or high power and plugged the magsafe, it magically started to work perfectly. Another setting that might give you problems (not to me apparently) is the optimized battery charging , which you can find inside the battery health status, you can try to switch it on/off and see if you notice any changes.

I don’t think there is a particular rule to fix this, and since it is clear that it is something that Apple need to fix via software, the only thing that we can do is to play with these settings until you see some changes and maybe solve the problem.

Charging Issues after Sonoma Upgrade