PDFKit crash on iOS 17

Currently I am displaying a pdf in one of my apps using the PDFKit. When I tap on the pdf view there is a strange crash happening related to the the text ranges conversion. No issues with iOS 16, seems to happen only in iOS 17

0x0000000117092fa1 in void PageLayout::ConvertTextRangesToStringRanges<std::__1::span<CFRange, 18446744073709551615ul>, std::__1::back_insert_iterator<std::__1::vector<CFRange, std::__1::allocator<CFRange> > > >(std::__1::span<CFRange, 18446744073709551615ul>&&, std::__1::back_insert_iterator<std::__1::vector<CFRange, std::__1::allocator<CFRange> > >&&) const ()

We are facing this issue too, have you been able to determine in which situation it happens exactly in a debug build? Are you still experiencing it?

PDFKit crash on iOS 17