Simulator is really slow

Hello everyone,

I'm just starting developing with Xcode, and I tried to do an Hello World.

When I run it, Simulator opens, but it is really slow. At first it showed me the loading circle, then a black screen. I thought it wasn't working so I closed the app.

But, then, I tried to wait, and after maybe 3-4 minutes, the iPhone 15 Pro finally worked. And when I click or try to do something with the iPhone, it is very slow. Also my Mac start to make a lot of noises when I try to simulate the iPhone 15 Pro. So maybe it is my Mac, which is an Intel MacBook Air from 2020, but I don't think so, it's weird it cannot simulate iOS 17 no ?

So if someone has a solution I will take it with pleasure. Oh and also sorry if my English is bad, I'm French and not fluent...


Simulator is really slow