Show custom AboutWindow - NSStatusItem only application


My application lives as icon in the systemStatusBar, but no Menubar (The user never see "App Name" "File" "Edit" ...) . The icon has a menu. One of its items is "About". The action linked to the item loads a custom NSWindowController and send showWindow:nil.

In order to focus the window, the mesage [[NSApplication sharedApplication] activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES] is sent. This method is deprecated for macOS 14.0 upward. The message [[NSApplication sharedApplication] activate] does not activate the application and the window is in front, but not focused, which is slightly disturbing.

What option are there, for such a simple thing as the AboutWindow. The standard AboutDialog is not an option!

Thanks in advance

Info.plist entry <key>LSUIElement</key> <true/> is present.

Show custom AboutWindow - NSStatusItem only application