SwiftData And Non Simple Data Types

I have an SwiftUI app that uses CloudKit. I have model classes and I read and write data to CloudKit. I wanted to convert the app to use SwiftData. Here is a sample model class.

@Model class User {
    var firstName: String?
    var lastName: String?
    var location: CLLocation?
    var photo: Image?

When I read and write this to CloudKit the variables map like this:

String -> String

CLLocation -> LOCATION

Image -> ASSET

When I try to compile the above class, I get these error for CLLocation and Image.

Instance method 'setValue(forKey:to:)' requires that 'CLLocation' conform to 'PersistentModel'

Instance method 'setValue(forKey:to:)' requires that 'Image' conform to 'PersistentModel'

How can I use variable types such as CLLocation and Image with SwiftData?

SwiftData And Non Simple Data Types