Transitioning from SceneKit to RealityKit - shadows and custom shaders

We have a content creation application that uses SceneKit for rendering. In our application, we have a 3D view (non-AR), and an AR "mode" the user can go into. Currently we use a SCNView and an ARSCNView to achieve this. Our application currently targets iOS and MacOS (with AR only on iOS).

With VisionOS on the horizon, we're trying to bring the tech stack up to date, as SceneKit no longer seems to be supported, and isn't supported at all on VisionOS.

We'd like to use RealityKit for 3D rendering on all platforms; MacOS, iOS and VisionOS, in non-AR and AR mode where appropriate.

So far this hasn't been too difficult. The greatest challenge has been adding gesture support to replace the allowsCameraControl option on the SCNView, as no such option on ARView.

However, now we get to control shading, we're hitting a bit of a roadblock. When viewing the scene in Non-AR mode, we would like to add a ground plane underneath the object that only displays a shadow - in other words, it's opacity would be determined by light contribution. I've had a dig through the CustomMaterial API and it seems extremely primitive - there doesn't seem any way to get light information for a particular fragment, unless I'm missing something?

Additionally, we support a custom shader that we can apply as materials. This custom shader allows the properties of the material to vary depending on the light contribution, light incidence angle...etc. Looking at the CustomMaterial, the API seems to be defining a CustomMaterial, whereas as guess we want to customise the BRDF calculation. We achieve this in SceneKit using a series of shader modifiers hooked into the various SCNShaderModifierEntryPoint.

On VisionOS of course the lack of support for CustomMaterial is a shame, but I would hope something similar can be achieved with RealityComposer?

We can live with the lack of custom material, but the shadow catcher is a killer for adoption for us. I'd even accept a different limited features on VisionOS, as long as we can matching our existing feature set on existing platforms.

What am I missing?

Hi Matt, thanks for the feedback. We are always interested in improving our APIs, and it would be great if you could report each of these feature requests on feedback assistant. That way our engineering teams can take these into consideration for future feature planning.

I would also encourage you to look at ShaderGraphMaterial if you have not already. It should allow you to create similar shaders that you can create with CustomMaterial on iOS and macOS.

Transitioning from SceneKit to RealityKit - shadows and custom shaders