Changing Default Folder Name in Files App for iOS App


I'm working on an iOS app called "scribe-frontend-ios," and I'd like to change the default folder name that the app creates in the Files app on iOS. Currently, when the app saves files to the Files app, they all go into a folder named "scribe-frontend-ios." However, I want to just call this folder Scribe.

I've tried modifying the Info.plist file in my Xcode project by adding the "NSFileProviderServiceName" key with a custom folder name, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I've also set "LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace" to true to indicate that my app supports opening documents in place.

Can someone please provide guidance on how to change the default folder name for the app in the Files app? Is there a step I might be missing, or is there another way to achieve this?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Changing Default Folder Name in Files App for iOS App