The ASCredentialProviderViewController method is not executing.

Hello, when I attempted to use the passkey, the method - (void)prepareCredentialListForServiceIdentifiers:(NSArray<ASCredentialServiceIdentifier *> *)serviceIdentifiers requestParameters:(ASPasskeyCredentialRequestParameters *)requestParameters API_AVAILABLE(ios(17.0), macos(14.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos); didn't execute. Are there any specific prerequisites for this method to run? I would appreciate your assistance. Thank you.

Answered by iceboy in 769809022

The click event of this button.

Have you updated your Info.plist to add the ProvidesPasskeys key?

I add this "<dict> <key>ShowsConfigurationUI</key> <true/> <key>ProvidesPasskeys</key> <true/> </dict>"

Accepted Answer

The click event of this button.

The ASCredentialProviderViewController method is not executing.