SRV type requests do not reach the VPN interface

We have a PacketTunnelProvider in a SystemExtension with split tunnelling. We specify several matching domains using NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings, such as and

DNS requests of type A and AAAA for these domains are routed to the VPN interface, but we've noticed that SRV type requests do not reach the VPN interface. To test this, I'm creating an SRV type request from the terminal using the following command: dig SRV

Please guide me if there are any specific configurations required for SRV records.


Happy Questioning and Enjoy

First, do you have another NEDNSSettings provider or NEDNSProxyProvider enabled on the system? If so then this will not work. Next, I suspect your DNS Settings are getting applied to the interface but just are not being picked up for local traffic whereas the remote destination traffic is. If you do scutil --nc show <uuid> does this provide matching domains that are local or remote?

SRV type requests do not reach the VPN interface