App does not show camera usage description

My app was rejected because the camera usage description was too vague. When I went back to update it with clearer language, the description now does not show up at all.

I've edited the Privacy - Camera Usage Description in info.plist targeting the iOS app but it still does not show up.

I looked at this old thread but I've already followed the steps suggested therein to no avail.

Welcome to the forum.

Could you tell which version of Xcode ?

Can you show exactly what you have entered in info.plist ?

Exact language:

"We need access to your camera to record videos for the purpose of training our sign language recognition models. Thank you for helping us make a positive impact on the sign language community"

I just realized this may be an issue related to the use of WKWebView to wrap a PWA app that uses getUserMedia. I've seen some StackOverflow and App Dev Forums posts related to this, so I'll try that and report back.

App does not show camera usage description