Live activity push token update condition

In this link, there is a description of live activity push token update:

"The push token for a Live Activity may change throughout its duration. When your app receives a new token, it receives foreground runtime to process the updated token. Keep track of the push token for each Live Activity. Additionally, invalidate an outdated token on your server when you receive an updated token to successfully send subsequent updates."

Our application did implement the solution to prepare for push token update. But so far, we don't see any occurrence of push token update from our backend records. The pushtokenupdates sequence only return the token once after live activity starts and does not emit more value afterward. Could you share a bit more on the condition for push token update? Under what circumstances will this happen? Thank you!

I've had Live Activities in my app for months, and I haven't ever seen it update the token except when the Live Activity starts 🤷‍♂️ I don't think it ever happens, but yeah that's just my experience

Live activity push token update condition