Apple Watch Modular Ultra face clips text and affects font positioning

I'm seeing problems with the new Apple Watch Modular Ultra Watch face... This is all using the latest WatchOS 10.1 and with WidgetKit complications. (Have also tested with the new WatchOS 10.2 beta in the simulator)

  1. The Graphic Circular (accessoryCircular) complications space the numbers differently sometimes causing maximum and minimum numbers to look like one long number (see small circular complications in screenshot)
  2. The exact same complication in the accessoryRectangular on the Modular Ultra face clips text when it doesn't on any other watch face

I've filed feedback FB13344580

Hopefully the screenshots show the issue well.

In the event that anyone at Apple ever reads these post and the filed Feedbacks...... This is still an issue on WatchOS 10.3

Apple Watch Modular Ultra face clips text and affects font positioning