CloudKit Public Database and User Access


I have a couple of questions about the CloudKit public database:

  1. Is it possible to control what authenticated users can write to the database on the server side? I know I could write logic in my iOS app to prevent to prevent certain actions, like uploading more data than I want to allow, but traditionally one would write server-side checks too. Even if I don't use CloudKit JS, it still seems like a malicious user could intercept network traffic and interact directly with iCloud to bypass any validations I've included in my app.
  2. Is it possible to block a user from using my app and interacting with CloudKit entirely? Along the same lines as question 1, I may want to block a malicious user from interacting with my public database, particularly writing to it.
  3. Is it common practice to write configuration settings to the public database as an administrative user and to have the app look for these known records? For example, I could add records to a configuration zone via the iCloud dashboard and have my app read them at startup to do things like enable/disable signups.

Thanks for any help and guidance on these issues!

CloudKit Public Database and User Access