Driver kit issue with OS 17.1

In my application, I have used DriverKit USB Transport - VendorID. Now whenever I am trying to install my application using driver kit development profile, it throws me error that profile is not valid. Now, If I try to install the app using Adhoc profile, then I am able to install it. Can you update us, is there any changes are there in 17.1 OS with development profile.


My application is using USB Transport - VendorID, when I tired to run the application from Xcode using driver development profiles, it is not allowing me to install the application on M2 17.1 OS and when I tried to run my app from M3 machine in any M1, M2 iPads, installation process fails. My entitlement is properly added and it is active for my team. I am stuck with USB Transport - VendorID for development profiles. Has anyone face this issue for the driver kit.

Driver kit issue with OS 17.1