Xcode Cloud builds get stuck at end of Archive step

All the steps within our Archive action complete as expected with green checkmarks (including all Prepare Build for App Store Connect steps), but the Archive action itself never completes. It keeps spinning and never passes it off to the post-action to release the build to TestFlight.

The system status page says Xcode Cloud had issue for multiple days this week, but they resolved 14 hours ago. I've re-run our build several times today and keep running into this problem. Is this something server-side?

Same for me

In case this is helpful to others.

Our Xcode Cloud workflow was set to use the releases/2.18.0 branch, and run nightly. I was trying to do a manual workflow run on my-new-feature branch. This was failing.

When I changed the Xcode Cloud workflow to use the my-new-feature branch and ran the workflow manually, it succeeded.

Very frustrating, but hopefully this fix works for others.

Setting that workflow to use Xcode 14.3.1 works. Using the latest (Xcode 15.0.1 when I was running into this issue) causes the hang.

for me using Xcode 15.0.1 for release archive step always timeouts - stops after being idle for 30 minutes

Xcode Cloud builds get stuck at end of Archive step