WeatherKit symbol for single location.

Hello, I'm using WeatherKit in a project to display the SF Symbol for the weather in the app toolbar. I have this for the WeatherModel:

import Foundation
import WeatherKit

@MainActor class WeatherManager: ObservableObject {
    @Published var weather: Weather?
    public func getWeather() async {
        do {
            weather = try await Task.detached(priority: .userInitiated) {
                return try await .init(latitude: 28.3772, longitude: -81.5707))
        } catch {
    var symbol: String {
        weather?.currentWeather.symbolName ?? "xmark.icloud.fill"
    var temp: String {
        let temp =
        let convert = temp?.converted(to: .fahrenheit).description
        return convert ?? ""

And this in the SwiftUI View:

 ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) {
                    @ObservedObject var weatherManager = WeatherManager()
                    Image(systemName: weatherManager.symbol)
                        .task {
                            await weatherManager.getWeather()

But when I build and run the app on my phone it displays the "xmark.icloud.fill" instead of the actual weather. Did I do something wrong?

WeatherKit symbol for single location.