Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired.

My apple developer account has expired. I want to renew but I cannot see the renewal button. My membership appears in the Apple developer application, but there is no renewal option. How do I renew?

iam having same problem till now nothing is done, never been so complicated to pay for someone, its really a pain, even when I was doing the enroll was a pain, please let me know if you could solve it, I check my subscription and there is nothing and when I go to appstoreconnect it says:

"Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired. Your apps will not be available on the App Store until you renew your membership. To renew your membership, the Account Holder needs to visit the Membership section of their account on the Apple Developer website. The updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement needs to be reviewed. In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps to the App Store, the Account Holder must review and accept the updated agreement by signing in to their account on the Apple Developer website."

and also tried on Phone and Mac at Developer app and it is the same thing can see the renew app

It's so terrible. I can't renew my membership because it's not clickable the renewal button too.

Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired.