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Help users access and manage their external accounts from within your app without requiring them to enter login credentials using Accounts.

Posts under Accounts tag

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Xcode 16 beta 3 can't load Teams in VM
I'm currently setting up a new build environment. Our old build server was a small M1 Mac Mini set up to build our, up-to-now, only app. Since we now have a second app (and probably more to come) and have some issues building all on the same mac (gem versions, flutter versions, etc.) I now set up a virtualized build environment. I'm currently running a MacOS 15 beta 3 VM on a M2 Mac Mini also on MacOS 15 beta 3. The VM has all basic tools inside, including Xcode 16 beta 3 and is logged in with our AppleID for our build server. The VM is spun up with a non-persistent storage before the build, installs the gem's/flutter in the correct version, checks out the code and builds it. Now I'm getting an error on the build, that I have to select a development team, but he team is already selected and the build is working fine on the old M1 Mac Mini. It is suggested to login to Xcode, so I logged in to Xcode in the VM, which itself was successful, but when loading the teams I'm getting the following error: Decoding Error There was a failure decoding response: (HTTP 401, 60 bytes) The data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.. The account info is correct, it's the same account that is logged in to MacOS and it's the same account from the old build system. I guess this somehow has to do with the MacOS VM (before MacOS 15 it was not possible to signin to an apple id, this is also the reason why I use the beta). Is there any chance to fix this and get it working? We are not able to use Xcode cloud builds (or any other cloud services) due to corporate policies. We are also not able to buy a dedicated Mac Mini for every app (too expensive and too much time needed for maintenance).
Account Authentication Modification Extension on iOS 18
We currently have an Account Authentication Modification Extension in our iOS App so that users can update their passwords directly from within the Passwords section in the iOS Settings App. On iOS 18 beta3 the extension is not executed from the new Passwords app. Instead the URL associated with the credentials is opened when choosing to change a password. Will it still be possible to integrate with the new Passwords app or is this no longer supported? only mentions Also, can we provide the information to the Passwords app that our service does not support verification codes? So that the "set up verification code" option is not displayed for our website in the Passwords app.
How to create a user account without a password?
Long time ago, probably more than 10-15 years ago, I could create a user account without a password. I have since migrated my whole setup through many generations of hardware and updates to MacOS and still have an account that doesn't have a password (you just click on it and it logs in directly alternatively you enter the name and press enter, no password needed). However, since many years the UI used to create a new user doesn't allow you to leave the password field empty. How can I, using a current version of MacOS, create another account like my old password-less account? From the command line or the UI. Alternatively, can I remove the password from an existing account? I have looked into this before and found instructions, which I think I followed, unsuccessfully, to use the Netinfo Manager (this is oooold!), dscl etc, so far to no avail
Can I pay for more than one Apple Developer Program Enrollment with one Visa card?
Hello dear forum members and Apple Team! I paid for Enrollment membership in Apple Developer Program 8 months ago and this account is active. My question is: can I use the visa card I used in the first account I opened to pay for another Enrollment on the Apple Developer Program platform? My second question: I filled in all the required information to become a member of the Apple Developer Program platform and completed the last stage of payment, but my visa card has not been charged. And I haven't received any message for this membership application, what should I do? Thanks in advance for the answers.
Compliance with Apple Policy Guidelines: Account Deletion vs. Deactivation Option
According to Apple's policy guidelines, if my mobile app includes a feature for creating user accounts, I must also provide an option for users to delete their accounts. However, in my app, account creation grants access to other enterprise accounts. Is it acceptable to offer an option to inactivate the user account instead of deleting it, in order to comply with these guidelines?
Apple Login fails with Managed Apple IDs on supervised iPhones with iOS 17.3 version
We noticed that Apple Login fails if we try to login with Managed Apple ID on iOS 17.2 & 17.3 This issue could have been introduced in iOS 17 but we did not have iOS 17.0 or 17.1 to validate this. There are few prerequisites to this: Should be a supervised device. It can be enrolled in ABM or ASM. Apple ID should be Managed Apple ID Device should have a passcode policy Device should have “allowListedAppBundleIDs” added in the “” payload If either of the above conditions are not met, then the issue does not happen. If the device is set up in the above way and we try to login with Managed Apple ID, then the login fails. Please refer the recording at this link: We reproduced the issue three times and got the log files: Issue occurred at: 21st March 2024 at 19:54:58 IST a. Log file name: sysdiagnose_2024.03.21_19-55-26+0530_iPhone-OS_iPhone_21D50(07.54.58 pm).tar.gz b. Link: Issue occurred at: 21st March 2024 at 19:59:44 IST a. Log file name: sysdiagnose_2024.03.21_20-00-02+0530_iPhone-OS_iPhone_21D50(07.59.44 pm).tar.gz b. Link: Issue occurred at: 21st March 2024 at 20:03:27 IST a. Log file name: sysdiagnose_2024.03.21_20-03-39+0530_iPhone-OS_iPhone_21D50(08.03.27 pm).tar.gz b. Link: During the above tests, this was the setup Passcode Policy: a. requireAlphanumeric: true b. minLength: 13 c. allowSimple: false allowListedAppBundleIDs: This can be anything but atleast one of them should be enabled. For example a. b. c. d. e. f. What results I expected: The user should be able to login without an issue What results I actually saw: The user does not login We also created a ticket in Feedback assistant in March but haven't received any response: FB13694721
Developer Team not showing up in Xcode 15.4
Hi there, I currently hold an Apple Developer account that has two teams associated with it. One is my personal team, for which I pay for the Apple Developer Program. The other is a corporate account for which I am working. Despite seeing both teams in the Apple Developer (web) portal, I am only able to see one of them in the Xcode account settings page. I have reached out to Apple Developer support over the phone, and have been advised to post this issue here to better access support.
Jun ’24
Adding custom Internet Account
Hi, I was going to use the Accounts framework to attempt to add a custom internet account so that our users can authenticate to our IdP (OAuth2) for their mail accounts. When using the Accounts framework, I got this warning: 'ACAccountStore' was deprecated in iOS 15.0: Use appropriate non-Apple SDK corresponding to the type of account you want to reference instead Is there any documentation on how to code/add custom Internet Accounts to macOS/iOS?
Jun ’24
Your App Store Connect account requires immediate attention
Hi, I received a message from Apple developers, stating that I must upload documents to verify the authenticity of my personal account. I had uploaded them and they were rejected more than once, even though I am certain of the authenticity of the documents, and they match my data in the Apple developers account, and the images that were uploaded are clear, And high quality!
Jun ’24
cancel the Apple Developer Enrollment ( Apple support Team help me )
Hello, I would like to cancel Enrollment Membership for the Apple Developer program Enrollment ID 3********9K i didnt pay the fee yet because i want to change it from solo to organization However, I couldn't find how to do this on the developer's website. And i coudn't send request from Support Center Page Also, it always return error in console logs when I sent request support by email method Please help me. Thanks [Edited by Moderator]
Jun ’24
Adding Developer Account as Enterprise Account holder
My organization currently has an Enterprise account that we've been using for awhile. We now have an app that needs to be released to the public App Store, so need a regular Developer Account. This account should be tied to our organization, not to a specific person (just like our enterprise account). Is there a way to add the developer account to our existing enterprise account? Or does it need to be a new account? And if it's a new account, how do we get it tied to the same organization and manager (we have a person authorized to manage this stuff, but he's already the account holder on our enterprise account).
May ’24