'Runs as Current User' on tvOS causes Core Data to reset

My app uses Core Data to store user data. It doesn't have login or profile mechanisms, because user data is tied to the user's Apple ID and synced via iCloud using CloudKit.

I've recently added the User Management capability, and checked Runs as Current User to allow each Apple TV user to have access to its own data. Everything works as expected: I press and hold the TV button to select a different user in Control Center; The system shows a switching user UI; And the app is relaunched using the new user's Apple ID and data from iCloud.

The problem is that switching users apparently causes the local Core Data managed database to be reset, removing all data from the previous user. This is inconvenient because every time we switch users, the newly selected user has to wait for CloudKit to download all its data back into the app. And it takes a while, especially for users that have more than a few hundred items in the database.

Ideally, tvOS should maintain the user data on-device, and only switch to a different database according to the active user. This way data would not need to be downloaded from scratch every time a user is switched.

Is there a setting I can configure or a checkbox I can check to enable this behavior, or is this something not possible yet on tvOS?

'Runs as Current User' on tvOS causes Core Data to reset