Error on notarizing app in Electron JS

Throws an eroor

[2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataChecksum = 62c853b5b00cf96f96576b4d48ce6d0a [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed) [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataInfo = {app_platform=osx,, device_id=, bundle_identifier=, packageVersion=software5.9, apple_id=, asset_types=[developer-id-package], bundle_version=, bundle_short_version_string=} [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 12.2.1 (x86_64); jvm=14.0.2+12-iTunesOpenJDK-8; jre=14.0.2+12-iTunesOpenJDK-8 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageName = 0b641208d73f17697b28370fa99ad8a7.itmsp [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageSize = 228662271 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2023-12-07T07:55:36+05:00 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u @@@@ -vp json -DTxHeaders=eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZX0= -sessionid @env:8A006125-AC15-400B-9FC2-C4D609DB7FA1 -sharedsecret hidden value -itc_provider PROVIDER -f /var/folders/g9/kz8cw8b57rg14vlnwhc77j840000gn/T/F75419E9-DDDB-4F74-BC71-B970FD924FB4/0b641208d73f17697b28370fa99ad8a7.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=5.329 (1309) [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 3.3.0 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> INFO: id = 20231207075536-140 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: f33460ff-fc03-4158-bed2-b2e99ffd521c-0001 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: Host HTTP header: [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value: [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Errors = [Unable to process validateMetadata request at this time due to a general error (1019)] [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter RestartClient = false [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorCode = 1019 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorMessage = Unable to process validateMetadata request at this time due to a general error (1019) [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ShouldUseRESTAPIs = false [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Success = false [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> ERROR: Unable to process validateMetadata request at this time due to a general error (1019) [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: The error code is: 1019 [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","count":2,"description":"Operation failed","index":2},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"} [2023-12-07 07:55:36 UZT] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1

2023-12-07 07:55:36.750 Out:

Package Summary:

1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems: /var/folders/g9/kz8cw8b57rg14vlnwhc77j840000gn/T/F75419E9-DDDB-4F74-BC71-B970FD924FB4/0b641208d73f17697b28370fa99ad8a7.itmsp - Error Messages: Unable to process validateMetadata request at this time due to a general error (1019)

2023-12-07 07:55:36.797 *** Error: Notarization failed for '/var/folders/g9/kz8cw8b57rg14vlnwhc77j840000gn/T/electron-notarize-LC5Kmm/'. 2023-12-07 07:55:36.797 *** Error: Unable to process validateMetadata request at this time due to a general error (1019) (1019) 2023-12-07 07:55:36.797 *** Warning: altool has been deprecated for notarization and starting in late 2023 will no longer be supported by the Apple notary service. You should start using notarytool to notarize your software. (-1030)

As written at the end of your message, altool is not supported anymore, it has been replaced by notarytool.

Error on notarizing app in Electron JS