Not able to run Playground Basics from Swift Explorations


I wanted to learn basics on developing in iOS and started with Swift Explorations. I have installed Xcode 15.0.1 and running it on Ventura 13.5.1. When I execute the Playgroung Basics.playground file, I get an error message saying "Failed to attach to stub for playground execution".

Any clue as to why that might be? I am able to create my own playground and execute it properly. I searched around but could not find anything on the topic (other than disablig Rosetta which is not an option as far I can tell in my case; don't see that checkbox under Get Info).

Any pointer would be welcome.

Cheers, Piloo

I tested on MacOS 14.1.2 with no issue.

May be you should consider upgrading MacOS.

Had the same issue here. I managed to solve by uninstalling everything using the app "AppCleaner", which removes the files related to the app that are located in different folders. After that, I installed everything again and worked fine.

Not able to run Playground Basics from Swift Explorations