There seems to be some issues with Network Extension.


I have a Network Extension that uses content-filter-provider-systemextension.

It has been running stably before, but some problems occurred after I updated the system to MacOS 14.1.

The main problem is that I registered the data filtering of the loopback address of 127, which caused a direct error in my DataGrip software, even if I directly returned .allow() in the handler function

example code:

class Filter: NEFilterDataProvider {
    // MARK: NEFilterDataProvider
    override func startFilter(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
        // loop, all 127.*.*.* will matched
        let loNetworkRules4 = NENetworkRule(
            remoteNetwork: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "0"),
            remotePrefix: 0,
            localNetwork: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "0"),
            localPrefix: 0,
            protocol: .any,
            direction: .any
        let loFilterRule4 = NEFilterRule(networkRule: loNetworkRules4, action: .filterData)
        let filterSettings = NEFilterSettings(rules: [loFilterRule4], defaultAction: .filterData)
        apply(filterSettings) { error in
            if let applyError = error {
    override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterNewFlowVerdict
        return .allow()

This will cause DataGrip's database connection test to report an error directly.

It seems that the local network communication of Java is blocked.

So I also used nc to test the local network.

nc -l 8888

nc 8888

But the result obtained is completely fine

Everything got better when I rolled the system back to macos14

Now I have updated the system to macos14.2 and the problem remains

I've submitted feedback on this issue in Feedback Assistant


But obviously the feedback is too slow, I can't wait a bit, so I took the liberty to send you an email to ask for help

I want to confirm if this is a macos bug or do I need to modify some NENetworkRule configurations?

If it is confirmed to be a BUG, how long will the repair cycle take? If it will be fixed soon, then I will just wait for the system to be repaired. If the repair cycle will be very long, then I have to consider other solutions for my product.


I've submitted feedback on this issue in Feedback Assistant


Thanks for filing that.

I want to confirm if this is a macOS bug … ?

My general process for investigating problems like this — and this applies to both content filter and transparent proxy — is to install a no-op provider that claims the flow and then immediately passes it back to the system:

  • For a content filter, return .allow() from your handleNewFlow(_:) method.

  • For a transparent proxy, return false from the handleNewFlow(_:) and the handleNewUDPFlow(_:initialRemoteEndpoint:) methods (assuming you implement the latter).

If the problem persists, that’s something that the NE engineer team needs to investigate. A no-op NE provider shouldn’t affect system behaviour.

It sounds like you’ve already done that, which is great.

If it is confirmed to be a BUG, how long will the repair cycle take?

I can’t predict the future, alas. You need to make your own assessment of the impact of this bug and act accordingly.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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There seems to be some issues with Network Extension.