share photo to facebook but no dialog shows

Hi, Everyone I set up a class for sharing photos to facebook. The codes of the class are as following. But when I call the function "shareToFacebook", there is no dialog to show. What's the issue in these codes? I am using iOS 17.0, Xcode The guide from Facebook hasn't updated. import SwiftUI import FBSDKShareKit import FacebookShare @Observable class ShareFacebook { var content = SharePhotoContent() var images : [UIImage] = [] var photos : [SharePhoto] = []

func shareToFacebook() {
    for image in images {
        let photo = SharePhoto(
            image: image,
            isUserGenerated: true
    } = photos
    let dialog = ShareDialog(
        viewController: UIApplication.shared.currentUIWindow()?.rootViewController,
        content: content,
        delegate: nil        )

} //button for sharing //Sharing to Facebook Button { for image in photos { let image = UIImage(data: image.imageData) sharedPhotos.append(image ?? userViewModel.render(image: Image("photoForNil"))! ) } shareToFacebook.images = sharedPhotos shareToFacebook.shareToFacebook() }label: { Image("share") .resizable() .frame(width:18, height: 18) .padding(.trailing,30) }

share photo to facebook but no dialog shows