Does Workout Session affect Workout app record in Apple Watch?

Our app uses HKWorkoutSession after some actions, to keep app on high priority in background and to keep Apple Watch returns to our app when the watch is waked up. We don't collect or register any activity record.

But for some reasons, some users reviewed our app saying that when they're using our app, the Workout app on Apple Watch seems to be affected, ex: Move and exercises is recorded as an abnormal/impossible value... .

Is this possible? I don't see any document mention this side effect?


HKWorkout is intended for recording workouts, not for getting unlimited background runtime for other purposes.

  • Thank you for your reply but our primary purpose for using HKWorkoutSession is to keep Apple Watch returns to our app when it wake up. Anyways, this doesn't answer my question.

  • "our primary purpose for using HKWorkoutSession is to keep Apple Watch returns to our app when it wake up"

    This is not an appropriate use of HKWorkoutSession. It should be used for recording workouts and not for the side effects that you're trying to achieve.
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