NFC Passport Reader - Libraries

Hi community!

I'm on the hunt for alternatives to digital onboarding and NFC reader libraries on iOS (and maybe on Android too). Do any of you know of alternatives to:

They should be compatible with ICAO Doc 9303 MRTD -

Your insights and suggestions mean a lot! Thanks!


NFCPassportReader - This package handles reading an NFC Enabled passport using iOS 13 CoreNFC APIS

Version 2 (and the main branch) now uses Swift Async/Await for communication. If you need an earlier version, please use 1.1.9 or below!

Supported features:

Basic Access Control (BAC)

Secure Messaging

Reads DG1 (MRZ data) and DG2 (Image) in both JPEG and JPEG2000 formats, DG7, DG11, DG12, DG14 and DG15 (also SOD and COM datagroups)

Passive Authentication

Active Authentication

Chip Authentication (ECDH DES and AES keys tested, DH DES AES keys implemented ad should work but currently not tested)

PACE - currently only Generic Mapping (GM) supported

Ability to dump passport stream and read it back in

Uses Async/Await
NFC Passport Reader - Libraries