I have a pretty basic tvOS app. It uses storyboard named 'Main'. Before a week ago, all was fine. It would load no problems at all. I installed 17.2 on my Apple TV, and it crashes as soon as it opens. I tested this out in Xcode and it runs on a 17.0 simulator, but the 17.2 simulator crashes and the only message I get is
Exception NSException * "Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle </Users/Tyler/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A442BA1A-318B-43EC-850E-EA0CFA7AAB95/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/CC57DE61-B9E4-49EE-A044-8FE00D709CB6/Piedmont Road Apple TV.app> (loaded)' with name 'kQf-Ef-Nxz-view-nK4-c0-71Y'" 0x0000600000c73d50
I have put in breakpoints, but it doesn't seem to help. Anyone have an idea what got changed with tvOS 17.2 to cause this?