ARRaycastQuery and Front Facing Camera

Hi -

I've searched all over the docs and might simply be missing something very big. Is raycasting available on front-facing True Depth camera like on the iPad Pro?

I'm working on an application currently where I'm in ARFaceTrackingConfiguration and a simple raycast from the screen center is not yielding results.

That same code in World configuration using the rear camera is producing results.

My understanding, given the examples around bitmojis and face tracking, was that the front camera would have essentially the same depth data as the rear, just with less total distance available.

Thanks for setting me straight! This is a very big deal for this particular project and I'm fearful I missed something in my pre-planning and investigation. Kane

I should have added the code sample to my original post. The code is working on the Rear Camera but does not return results on the Front Camera. I'm wondering if it is because of the direction of the ray. For the Front Camera, if rayCast is supported, maybe it requires the ray to be cast in the negative z direction? Thanks again for any assistance!

let raycastQuery: ARRaycastQuery? = sceneView.raycastQuery(
                                                                  allowing: .estimatedPlane,
                                                                   alignment: .any)

                    let rayresults: [ARRaycastResult] = sceneView.session.raycast(raycastQuery!)
ARRaycastQuery and Front Facing Camera