SwiftUI creating MapCameraPosition from CLLocationManager initialiser/self error when trying to tie them? (see code)

Trying to use new Swift @Observable to monitor GPS position within SwiftUI content view. But how do I tie the latest locations to the SwiftUI Map's mapCameraPosition?

Well ideally the answer could cover:

  1. How to fix this error - So get map tracking along with the User Position, but also
  2. How to include facility to turn on/off the map moving to track the user position (which I'll need to do next). So could be tracking, then disable, move map around and have a look at things, then click button to start syncing the mapcameraposition to the GPS location again

Refer to error I'm embedded in the code below.

import SwiftUI
import MapKit

final class NewLocationManager : NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
    var location: CLLocation? = nil
    private let locationManager = CLLocationManager()

    func startCurrentLocationUpdates() async throws {
        if locationManager.authorizationStatus == .notDetermined {
        for try await locationUpdate in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() {
            guard let location = locationUpdate.location else { return }
            self.location = location

struct ContentView: View {
    var newlocationManager = NewLocationManager()
    @State private var cameraPosition: MapCameraPosition = .region(MKCoordinateRegion(
        center: newlocationManager.location?.coordinate ?? <#default value#>,
        span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.25, longitudeDelta: 0.25)
    // GET ERROR: Cannot use instance member 'newlocationManager' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            Map(position: $cameraPosition)
            Text("New location manager: \(newlocationManager.location?.description ?? "NIL" )") // works
        .task {
            try? await newlocationManager.startCurrentLocationUpdates()

#Preview {

PS another way to ask this question might be - Within the view, how can I arrange for some code to be run each time a value within "newlocationManager" (which references the @Observable NewLocationManager instance) changes? (so within this code I can decided to update the Map position centering on this new location or not)

Maybe you can try this method:

.onMapCameraChange { MapCameraUpdateContext in


SwiftUI creating MapCameraPosition from CLLocationManager initialiser/self error when trying to tie them? (see code)