Use of Fairplay Streaming Test Streams with the Apple FPS Client sample code

Hello all,

I am a completely new to iOS development, and I need to make an app that will be playing encrypted content using Fairplay. Right now I am using the Sample client in the latest FPS Server SDK (HLSCatalog), and from what I understand the default sources in Streams.plist are not protected. There's an entry with is_protected=YES and where I can replace the playlist_url, but I was wondering if I could use the .m3u8 files in the FPS Test Content found at ? If so, I don't really know how to.

In one of the .m3u8 files of the Test Content, I could find the "content_key_id_list" example value that's also mentioned in the client's README (skd://twelve), which is why I'm asking.

Thanks in advance!

Use of Fairplay Streaming Test Streams with the Apple FPS Client sample code