Delay in CKRecord uploads

Hi, I have recently noticed that it's taking my app a long time between the CKModifyOperations being 'completed' in the app, and for the record to actual show up through either looking at the CloudKit dashboard, or by using CKQueryOperations. The whole upload can take 10-15 minutes or more, from the time the CKOperation has completed to the time I can see all the records on the dashboard. The 'upload' seems to be happening in chunks ... for e.g. if I uploaded a 100 records, if I check after 2 minutes the query will show 20 records, and then 35-40 a bit later, and after 10+ minutes will show all 100 records (exact numbers vary of course). This was never an issue before, but has recently been reported by a couple of users of my app, and I need to know what's going on before it balloons into a big thing. And it's highly problematic, because it leads to users not being able to download the records that they uploaded on the first device.

Is there something in CloudKit servers that have changed recently? Can someone in the CloudKit team take a look? I filed a Feedback, along with CloudKit profile logs: FB13537245

I can also reproduce the issue in production as well as development environments.

After more research, it seems like the issue with 'CKQueryOperations' specifically, whether from the device or from web dashboard. If I fetch using CKFetchOperations, either from the device or from dashboard, with fixed RecordIDs, it works soon after the update is done. So it seems like some issue with indexing on the CloudKit side. How do we that fixed? I have mentioned the containerID in the feedback report that is linked above

Delay in CKRecord uploads