visionOS & Document App Bug

When migrating a document app to visionOS, I noticed that two windows are created for a doc, and the new ornament toolbars get obscured by the foremost window. This can be replicated easily by creating a SwiftUI doc app and opening it in the Vision simulator.

Has anyone found a workaround? The Feedback Assistant is not showing VisionOS as an option for reporting bugs.

struct TestApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        DocumentGroup(newDocument: TestDocument()) { file in
            ContentView(document: file.$document)
                    ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomOrnament) {
                        Button(){}label:{Image(systemName: "gearshape.fill")}
                        Button(){}label:{Image(systemName: "photo")}
                        Button(){}label:{Image(systemName: "paintbrush.pointed.fill")}

Did you have any luck finding a solution for this? Having the same issue with my app.

Hi @christopher_m and @nitrix_au , please file a bug report at and post the FB number here! Thanks for bringing that to attention.

You can choose "Developer Technologies and SDKs" and choose visionOS as the platform and SwiftUI for the technology

Same thing here.

Hi @sha921 - I filed this as FB13699287 and included a sample project. However, the feedback was closed out as "Unable to diagnose with current information". Any suggestions?

visionOS & Document App Bug