I Want to know the NotNow status returned by MDM commands on Apple devices.

Please tell me about the NotNow status returned by the MDM command for Apple devices.

◾️I would like to check I am aware that there are some MDM commands that return a status NotNow when the device is locked and the command cannot be executed. I am aware of InstallProfileCommand and SecurityInfoCommand.

Please answer the following two questions.


I would appreciate an answer with the official name of the command and the URL of the command's reference, if possible.

  • Question 1
    • Please tell us if there are commands other than InstallProfileCommand and SecurityInfoCommand that return status NotNow because the command cannot be executed if the terminal is locked.
  • Question 2
    • Please tell us if any of the following commands return the status NotNow because the command cannot be executed if the terminal is locked.
  1. DeviceConfiguredCommand
  2. AvailableOSUpdatesCommand
  3. ScheduleOSUpdateCommand
  4. OSUpdateStatusCommand


There are several conditions that can lead to a NotNow response from a device. Those conditions can change from one OS release to the next as implementations of the underlying systems are refactored. An MDM server should be prepared to receive a NotNow response for any of the commands it issues.