PKToolPicker not appearing in iPad compatibility mode on Vision Pro

Has anyone got PKToolPicker appearing in an iPad app running in compatibility mode on Vision Pro?

In our app, it appears fine on iPad, but not in the Vision Pro simulator.

Even though the tools do not appear, I am able to draw in the canvas (...though not change the pen, of course).

I did not read anywhere that it was not supported on Vision Pro. I only saw that interactions with pencil do not work, but that other forms of interaction (eg drawing with touch) should work.

Anyone seen it working on Vision Pro?

Answered by Engineer in 791586022

PKToolPicker should appear in both visionOS native apps, and in iPad apps running on visionOS.

If you are still seeing this behavior, please file a feedback with a reproducing sample app.

PKToolPicker should appear in both visionOS native apps, and in iPad apps running on visionOS.

If you are still seeing this behavior, please file a feedback with a reproducing sample app.

PKToolPicker not appearing in iPad compatibility mode on Vision Pro