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Capture touch input as an opaque drawing and turn it into high-quality images that can be displayed on iOS and macOS using PencilKit.

Posts under PencilKit tag

36 Posts
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PKCanvasView working on preview, but not on simulator or app
Hey, so I am working on a note taking part of my app and I have been working on allowing different inputs. I got the PKCanvas to work on the preview and on the simulator when it is the only thing on the window group. But when I use this View as part of the tool selection in my app, when the user selects the Canvas view it loads but scribbles don't work, only in the preview in Xcode. I don't know why this behavior is happening. The flow in which the PKCanvasView appears is, user taps NavLink to see their notes, in the NotesView they tap to show the toolbar, toolbar has 4 types of input, text, images, audio, scribbles (all other inputs work accordingly), user taps scribbles the view loads correctly but doesn't allow them to draw. I have set the drawingPolicy to anyInput
PKCanvasView won't react to updates of its contentScaleFactor
Dear All, I am currently facing a challenge with updating the contentScaleFactor of my PKCanvasView, which is embedded within a custom UIScrollView. I have configured the PKCanvasView to have both its maximum and minimum zoomScale set to 1.0, ensuring that users can only zoom into the UIScrollView and not directly into the PKCanvasView. Upon the completion of a zoom action in my UIScrollView, a notification is published and received by the PKCanvasView. This triggers a function intended to update the contentScaleFactor. However, this process is not functioning as expected. Despite consulting with several engineers at WWDC24 and exploring multiple potential solutions, the issue remains unresolved. Interestingly, when zooming into a PDF in the Documents app on iOS 17, the strokes are re-rendered perfectly, while in previous iOS versions, this bug persists in the Documents app. I would greatly appreciate any insights or solutions from those who might have encountered and resolved this issue. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Best regards, Timon
Jun ’24
Retrieve Apple Pencil Pro Orientation, Roll outside of HoverPose?
I'm attempting to retrieve the values of the Pencil Pro using the new PencilHoverPose, however according to the documentation it appears these can only be accessed while in a hover state (0 to ~0.5" from the screen). Is there a way to get the orientation or roll values of the Apple Pencil Pro outside of a hover? I'm attempting to use the pencil as an input device, necessitating it be farther from the screen than 0.5" Below is a simple view I'm using to display the available values: import SwiftUI import UIKit struct PencilSqueezeView: View { @State private var squeezeText: String = "Squeeze the Apple Pencil Pro" @State private var hoverDistance: CGFloat = 0.0 @State private var anchor: UnitPoint = .center @State private var location: CGPoint = .zero @State private var altitude: Angle = .degrees(0) @State private var azimuth: Angle = .degrees(0) @State private var roll: Angle = .degrees(0) var body: some View { VStack { Text(squeezeText) .font(.largeTitle) .padding() Text("Hover Distance: \(String(format: "%.2f", hoverDistance))") .font(.title2) .padding() Text("Anchor: \(anchor)") .font(.title2) .padding() Text("Location: \(location.x), \(location.y)") .font(.title2) .padding() Text("Altitude: \(altitude.degrees)°") .font(.title2) .padding() Text("Azimuth: \(azimuth.degrees)°") .font(.title2) .padding() Text("Roll: \(roll.degrees)°") .font(.title2) .padding() Spacer() } .onPencilSqueeze { phase in handlePencilSqueeze(phase: phase) if case let .ended(value) = phase { if let hoverPose = value.hoverPose { updateHoverPose(hoverPose) } else { print("hoverPose is nil") } } } .padding() } private func handlePencilSqueeze(phase: PencilSqueezeGesturePhase) { switch phase { case .active: squeezeText = "Squeeze began" case .ended: squeezeText = "Squeeze ended" case .failed: squeezeText = "Squeeze failed" } } private func updateHoverPose(_ hoverPose: PencilHoverPose) { hoverDistance = hoverPose.zDistance anchor = hoverPose.anchor location = hoverPose.location altitude = hoverPose.altitude azimuth = hoverPose.azimuth roll = hoverPose.roll print("zDistance: \(hoverPose.zDistance)") print("anchor: \(hoverPose.anchor)") print("location: \(hoverPose.location)") print("altitude: \(hoverPose.altitude)") print("azimuth: \(hoverPose.azimuth)") print("roll: \(hoverPose.roll)") } }
Jun ’24
Apple Pencil Pro Squeeze API
I wonder if an Apple engineer could confirm: will the Apple Pencil Pro squeeze functionality be detectable in the current API, or will this be a future iPadOS extension to gesture recognizers / UIKit? I’d like to start playing with the functionality if it’s detected behind an existing event though. (Long press?)
May ’24
When PKCanvasView is first drawn, existing drawing objects disappear.
When PKCanvasView is first drawn, existing drawing objects disappear. PKDrawing, which previously had drawings saved with PKCanvasView, was saved as separate data or file. After that, while creating a new PKCanvasView, I loaded the saved PKDrawing and reflected it in the new PKCanvasView. Below is the code. canvasView!.drawing = draw! Previously saved text or lines will be displayed normally. However, when I draw with the pen for the first time (when I touch the screen with the pen), the old writing or lines disappear. And after I leave a line or text, if I pan across the screen, the old text or line appears again. If this phenomenon occurs and you touch the screen again with the fan, this phenomenon will no longer occur. This phenomenon occurs the first time when a new PKCanvasView is declared and the previously saved PKDrawing is reflected. Could you please help me with why this phenomenon occurs and how to improve it?
Apr ’24
Blurry and low resolution of PKCanvasView, as overlayview from PDFView.
Hi, I am trying to make a simple note taking app that users can draw something on pdfview with apple pencil. (I used PDFKit, PencilKit for the code.) I followed the instruction code of WWDC22's "What's new in PDFKit." - "overlayProvider" (so you can see the code at the video.) I was able to draw something each view of pdf page. But the issue was, the resolution of overlayview or subview of pdfview is low. As far as I know, the pkcanvasview draws vertor-based drawings. So I never thought the image or the lines I draw will be that blurry. Is this buggy or is this the normal thing? (+ I added a uibutton as subview of pdfview and the button also looks blurry.) I even tried to scale up the all the subviews when the subviews' layout is done, using contentScaleFactor. PKCanvasView inherits UIScrollView, so I enlarged the frame of pkcanvas view and fixed the scale to below 1.0. If the pkcanvasview looks blurry and that is because somewhat zoomed in wrong way, zooming out should be the solution. But, didn't work. Still blurry. and any other stuff like changing frame or size. So, anyone having same problem with me, or anyone can give me any solution. Please help me. I wish this is bug thing that can be fixed in any moment. -> This image is little bit zoomed in. but the drawing is blurry. and this is the normal pkcanvasview drawing, just subview of view(of VC).
Mar ’24
PencilKit does not draw on PKCanvasView on VisionOS1.1 RC
Hi, I have an app using PencilKit that works on VisionOS 1.0. It means, a user can pick an inking tool from PKToolPicker and draw on PKCanvasView. The app is now on available on Vision Pro AppStore as well. However, when I test the app on VisionOS 1.1 RC Simulator, I can pick an inking tool but when I try to draw on the canvas, it just scrolls and no drawing appears on the PKCanvasView. I also noticed that the VisionOS 1.0 Simulator has the FreeForm app where you can draw with PencilKit but the VisionOS 1.1 RC Simulator does not have the FreeForm app. Is this a known issue? Will it be fixed before the release or is there a change in API so I can update the app accordingly? Thanks Zafer
Mar ’24
How do I make UIImage conform to Transferable?
Hello! I've been teaching myself Swift and wanted to challenge myself by creating a drawing app. I want to add a feature that allows the user to share the drawing on their canvas, but I'm having some difficulty. I tried using a ShareLink, but it's asking that I conform in to Transferable. How do I do that? import SwiftUI import PencilKit struct ContentView: View { @State private var canvasView = PKCanvasView() var body: some View { Text("Let's draw!") GeometryReader { geometry in VStack { Spacer() HStack { Spacer() PencilKitView() .frame(width: geometry.size.width * 1, height: geometry.size.height * 0.7) Spacer() } Spacer() } } //share button Button("share with a friend") { let portionRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100) let scale: CGFloat = 1.0 let image = canvasView.drawing.image(from: portionRect, scale: scale) ShareLink( item: image, preview: SharePreview( "Share Preview", image: image ) ) } } } struct PencilKitView: UIViewRepresentable { typealias UIViewType = PKCanvasView let toolPicker = PKToolPicker() func makeUIView(context: Context) -> PKCanvasView { let pencilKitCanvasView = PKCanvasView() pencilKitCanvasView.drawingPolicy = PKCanvasViewDrawingPolicy.anyInput toolPicker.addObserver(pencilKitCanvasView) toolPicker.setVisible(true, forFirstResponder: pencilKitCanvasView) pencilKitCanvasView.becomeFirstResponder() return pencilKitCanvasView } func updateUIView(_ uiView: PKCanvasView, context: Context) { } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Feb ’24
PKDrawing.image crashes on iOS 17 (EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000210)
In 2 days we have observed in Crashlytics over 50 crashes related to PKDrawing.image with EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000210 So far all on iPads with A10, A12 and A13; 100% on iOS 17 (17.1.1, 17.2, 17.3) (while in others the percent of iOS 17 was around 60-80%). Context: Images of the varying frame and scale resulting in screen resolution are being generated sequentially (in a background serial queue called almost one after another when requested), updating one CALayer.contents (and only after this update on Main Thread the next generation is allowed). One zoomable PKCanvasView is present on screen. The crashing line in code: let image = drawing.image(from: frame, scale: renderScale).cgImage The questions: Is there anything that can be done apart from throttling generation? Can the circumstances of the crash be determined – are there any indications accessible in code before calling PKDrawing.image that app might crash? The traces: 0 AGXMetalA12 AGX::BlitContext<AGX::G11::Encoders, AGX::G11::Classes, AGX::G11::ObjClasses>::copyTextureToBuffer(IOGPUMetalResource const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, AGXA12FamilyTexture*, unsigned int, unsigned int, MTLOrigin, MTLSize, unsigned long) + 96 9 PencilKit PKDrawing.image(from:scale:) + 28 0 AGXMetalA13 <redacted> + 96 9 PencilKit PKDrawing.image(from:scale:) + 28 0 AGXMetalA10 <redacted> + 72 9 PencilKit $s9PencilKit9PKDrawingV5image4from5scaleSo7UIImageCSo6CGRectV_12CoreGraphics7CGFloatVtF + 24
Feb ’24
PKToolPicker not appearing in iPad compatibility mode on Vision Pro
Has anyone got PKToolPicker appearing in an iPad app running in compatibility mode on Vision Pro? In our app, it appears fine on iPad, but not in the Vision Pro simulator. Even though the tools do not appear, I am able to draw in the canvas (...though not change the pen, of course). I did not read anywhere that it was not supported on Vision Pro. I only saw that interactions with pencil do not work, but that other forms of interaction (eg drawing with touch) should work. Anyone seen it working on Vision Pro?
Jun ’24
wwdc2022-10089 and various issues
Hi, I encounter various problems with inserting PKDrawing into a PDFAnnotation : First : After "page.addAnnotation(myCustomAnnotation)", saved document seems corrupted (affected pages are displayed with a "X" watermark covering the whole page), Second : The only way to extract PKDrawing from the annotation is unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData: which is deprecated, Final : I'm not able to re-read PKDrawings to restore PKCanvasView undoManager. Does anyone have an idea on a correct way to do this? Thank you in advance and happy new year everyone!
Jan ’24
PKCanvasView: zoom+rotate gesture=ded performance
I'm trying to add rotation functionality to the PKCanvasView, so that rotation gesture rotates the drawing, I want it to be working together with zoom gesture too, which is already implemented in the PKCanvasView. Rotation works reasonably fine when rotation and zoom can't be performed simultaneously. The moment I enable simultaneous zoom+rotation performance of rotation gets noticably bad. Visually it looks like rotation only happens on noticable angles like 10,20,30.. degrees which looks choppy. Zoom at the same time looks smooth as before. I'm trying to understand why and how to fix this. The rotation gesture handler is here: @objc func handleRotation(_ gesture: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) { guard let curView = gesture.view as? PKCanvasView else {return} if gesture.state == .began || gesture.state == .changed { let rotation = gesture.rotation let gestureCenter = gesture.location(in: curView) let center = CGPoint(x: gestureCenter.x / curView.zoomScale, y: gestureCenter.y / curView.zoomScale) let finalTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -center.x, y: -center.y) .concatenating(CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: rotation)) .concatenating(CGAffineTransform(translationX: center.x, y: center.y)) curView.drawing.transform(using: finalTransform) gesture.rotation = 0 } } which just constructs rotation matrix around rotation gesture center and calls curView.drawing.transform(using: finalTransform). Rotation matrix is correct I think because without simultaneous zoom+rotation it rotates everything as intended and smoothly under any zoom. (Just for clarity: in the rotation handler the matrix does only the rotation, zoom is done in pinch gesture handler implemented by the PKCanvasView. The zoomScale is used in estimations only to figure out the content coodrinate). The handleRotation method is set as let rotationGestureRecognizer = UIRotationGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleRotation)) rotationGestureRecognizer.delegate = self canvasView.addGestureRecognizer(rotationGestureRecognizer) The simultaneous handling of zoom+rotation I enable with this code: func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool { return true } What I've tried: Tried to nable simultaneous recognition only for zoom+rotation (without the pan gesture and possible others), the effect is the same. For example rotation+pan work smoothly together. I've verified that the gesture handler is called very often, every 8-16 milliseconds (rotation matrix creation and curView.drawing.transform(using: finalTransform) is included in this time period) which should be enough for visually smooth rotation. Other observations: When zoom and rotation both are enabled the rotation sometimes gets completely stuck, zoom and pinch is responsive but rotation is not happening visually. Only when I release fingers from the screen the rotation unstucks and content is rotated as if it didn't stuck at all. During the "stuck" period the rotation handler is called with the same frequency it's just not being visually reflected. Other thoughts: It kind of looks like the tranformation I set in the rotation handler gets overwritten by transformation from the zoom handler. But pan+rotation works fine together which confuses this theory.
Dec ’23
PKToolPicker Available Tools
When I display the PKToolPicker in my app it looks similar to the image below If you use one of the apps from Apple like Pages or Freeform you see a picker similar to this one. Notice that the PKToolPicker from the Apple app has 6 tools not including the ruler. With the tool all the way to the left being the writing tool. How do you get the picker to display with the writing tool? I have looked over the API and I can see where you can set if the ruler is displayed or not but I can't find anything for the writing tool
Jun ’24
SwiftUI Third Party Keyboard
Hello. I am developing an app that helps people with language issues communicate and for that I thought I could do a custom keyboard for them. I was wondering if there is a way of doing a 3rd party keyboard using SwiftUI (little to no UIKit) and if so, where can I find documentation/tutorials. I have looked with no success. Additionally, can we use a PKCanvasView inside of keyboards (ie, is there any restriction/policy)? I intend to use it so that users can draw the words they're looking for (I already have the model and know how to come up with the suggestions and everything) Thanks a lot!
Nov ’23