Does need to including two privacy manifest file in one app?

Current situation.

I'm using third-party sdk make by myself with my app. my app use UserDefaults api, and My sdk(framework) too

Recently, apple store policy changed, apple says If you use "Userdefaults API", Include Privacy Manifest.

As a result My app including two Privacy manifest

If I create 10 SDKs, and all of these SDKs use "Userdefaults API", and one app itself also uses the "Userdefaults API", is it correct to include 11 "Privacy manifests" in this app?

I'm using third-party sdk make by myself

That's an unusual definition of "third party". Surely if you made it yourself, it's "first party"?

Each of the SDK that you are building should include their own privacy manifest file if they fall under the guidelines. Don't add them to your app. Your app should have one for itself if it also falls under the guidelines. When generating the report, Xcode will aggregate all of these files into a single report that contains information about your SDKs and app.

Many thanks for responding. I got another question along the same lines. One of the SDKs in our app use required reason apis. Unfortunately they are not willing to support the privacy manifest changes yet. Are there any such exceptions where we can add these information in our app level manifest?

Does need to including two privacy manifest file in one app?