Data Loss During iCloud Drive Sync- Do not trust it

In an effort to ensure the safety of my data, I decided to make a backup on iCloud Drive, assuming that this would provide a secure storage solution and an additional copy on my local MacBook Pro. Regrettably, I was not aware that this process would result in the complete loss of all data from my Documents folder on my local machine.

Upon reaching out to the iCloud support team, their attempts to assist were unfortunately unsuccessful. I was informed that while there is a slim chance of recovering data by purchasing a larger iCloud Drive, no guarantees could be provided. This revelation left me questioning the reliability and effectiveness of iCloud Drive as a secure data management tool.

Furthermore, the explanation provided by the support team regarding the iCloud Drive synchronization process added to my dismay. It appears that iCloud Drive deletes the local Documents folder and replicates it in the cloud, only to recreate a new copy on the local machine afterward. The inherent risks associated with such a mechanism, especially when dealing with large files, are alarming and raise serious concerns about data integrity.

I strongly advise against relying on iCloud Drive for substantial data storage. Instead, I recommend using an external hard drive with Time Machine activation for a more reliable backup solution. It is disheartening to realize that Apple's touted iCloud Drive, marketed as a secure tool to prevent data loss, may fall short of its promises, potentially leading users into situations like mine.

I urge the iCloud engineering team to reconsider and improve the synchronization process to mitigate the risk of data loss for users. The current system, as I have experienced firsthand, poses significant challenges and lacks the necessary safeguards to protect users from unforeseen circumstances.

Data Loss During iCloud Drive Sync- Do not trust it