Strange issues with VisionOS template


I'm getting some strange behavior as I keep working with AVP on Xcode. First the basic template used to be normal, and when I previewed contentView it would display the basic sphere (using volume preset) right in the center of the screen.

Now, when I create any basic template, the preview window is way elevated upwards to where its basically going thru the ceiling in the room. For the life of me I cannot get Xcode to correct this behavior.

Also, while I can create a scene with assets in RealityKit, and try to view it in my content bundle following this Apple tutorial

I cannot get my new scene to show in an immersive view file. I made sure to use the swiftUI template for the immersive view and I had the correct setup for it. My naming conventions are correct and there are no typos or errors (that I know of).

I CAN get the basic template scene to show up, but not my custom scene with a pancake model in it.

I've gone thru the video several times, but that still doesn't solve the above issue of the initial template previewing way to high.

Does anyone have any advice on fixes for this subject?

Edit : I may have located the issue to importing assets and using them in a new scene in realityComposerPro. Still not sure why it breaks after creating a scene in RCP. I haven't even used them in y project yet. (Started a new one)

--> If I reset the project it removes the errors. But I still can't see my pancake, even if I just replace the template scene with a basic scene with just the asset in it. Much like the sphere but pancake instead.

Also the initial scene may be high because using the volume template the view starts at the users feet. That might be why

Strange issues with VisionOS template