Shield Configuration Extension sometimes doesn't update on app switcher

Sometimes the app switcher doesn't show the correct shield configuration if there is like 7 or more apps in the app switcher.

if I clear all apps from app switcher cache and leave 4 apps, the correct shield configuration will show every time instantly when I change the shield configuration from my parent app and go back to the app switcher; but if there is like 7 or more apps in the app switcher, I can see some of the app's shield configurations don't update instantly and I have to scroll past the app in the app switcher and go back to for it to update to the correct shield if it does at all.

This is misleading to users and in the case of my app detrimental to one of its core functionalities

override func configuration(shielding application: Application) -> ShieldConfiguration {
        let sharedUserDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: SharedUserDefaults.suiteName.rawValue)! 

        let isPaidOn = sharedUserDefaults.bool(forKey: SharedUserDefaults.paidSwitchKey.rawValue)
        if isPaidOn == true {
            return ShieldConfig.paid
        } else {