Action Extension works on iPhone but not on iPad

There is an application on iPhone. The Action Extension is used, it works great on the iPhone, but when you add Destination = iPad, the application starts, works, but the extension does not work.

Error: -[_EXSinkLoadOperator loadItemForTypeIdentifier:completionHandler:expectedValueClass:options:] nil expectedValueClass allowing {( NSURL, NSDictionary _EXItemProviderSandboxedResource, NSUUID, NSDate, NSArray, NSData, NSString, NSNumber NSError UIImage, NSValue )} The error occurs here:

if itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(typeImage) { itemProvider.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: typeImage, options: nil) { item, error in

Doesn't work on a real device, works on simulators. iOS 17.2, XCode 15.2.

On simulator first time the extension works and opens the main app, but on the second attempt the main app is not called (after selecting the extension, the image is kinda shadowed and then the shadow disappears). On simulator tested with iPad 6, iPad 9, iPad 10, iPad Air 6. On real iPad 6 does not work at all.

I made a new application with Share Extension and it works great, although it gives the same error message. -[_EXSinkLoadOperator loadItemForTypeIdentifier:completionHandler:expectedValueClass:options:] nil expectedValueClass allowing {( NSNumber, NSError, NSDictionary, NSArray, NSValue, NSURL, NSDate, _EXItemProviderSandboxedResource, UIImage, NSUUID, NSString, NSData )}

If you add Action Extension to it and it doesn’t work.

Action Extension works on iPhone but not on iPad