Grayscale picture on iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.0

■detail In a Xamarin iOS app, there is a screen (Screen A) designed for capturing ID photos. We've written code to set the default camera zoom to 2x when opening Screen A, enabling users to take photos by pressing a button. The subsequent screen (Screen B) serves as a preview screen for the photos taken on Screen A.

The issue at hand is that photos captured on Screen A are unintentionally displayed in grayscale on Screen B. The correct behavior should be displaying them in color on Screen B.

This problem occurs only on iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.0; it does not occur on iPhone 15 Pro with iOS 17.1.

Moreover, when the code for a 2x zoom is not present during the capture settings, photos are displayed in color on Screen B on iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.0.

If the code for a 2x zoom is present during the capture settings, and the AVCaptureSession's SessionPreset is set to Preset640x480, the photos are displayed in color on Screen B on iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.0.

Is there an instance where the setting of AVCaptureSession's SessionPreset on iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.0 influences unintentional grayscale conversion when processing images after taking a 2x zoom photo?

■how to reproduce Using the camera 2x zoom code with AVCaptureSession's SessionPreset set to Preset during capturing on iPhone 14 Pro Max with iOS 17.0 using XCode15.1's iOS SDK(17.2).

■enviroment We are building a program using Xamarin.iOS in Visual Studio for Mac. During the build process, Xcode 15.1 (iOS SDK 17) is utilized.