How to change style/design of AppShortcuts in Shortcuts App (tiles vs circle group)

Adding the AppIntent of my app as AppShortcuts to the Shortcuts Apps was easy. This only required an AppShortcutsProvider. However, I am confused how the AppShortcuts are shown in the Shortcuts App. It seems that there are different styles enter image

  • The AppShortcuts of some apps are shown as tiles
  • While shortcuts from other apps are shown as collection of circle icons
  • Some "circle collection" use a default gray background with blue icons
  • Others color or even gradient backgrounds with white icons

The only thing I found that might be related to the design is the shortcutTileColor property in the AppShortcutsProvider. However using/changing this property has no effect on how my app's shortcus are shown: On the default gray background / blue icon.

Among the different apps on my devices I cannot see any logic which shortcuts are shown as tiles and which as circle icons. Additionally third party apps use colored background or gradients. So there there has to be a way to change this. But how?

How to change style/design of AppShortcuts in Shortcuts App (tiles vs circle group)