The json decoded by capturestructure lacks the capture room data of this merger, but the usdz and plist generated by the export method are complete

I am using the room plan api to implement the function of multiple space merging, but I found that after performing multiple space merging, the generated json would miss some of the newly added areas, but the usd file and plist file were complete.Does anyone have this problem? Look forward to official support

this is my code:

 public func mergeScan(_ data:String,_ scanName:String,_ directoryName:String){
        var capturedRoomArray: [CapturedRoom] = []
        let jsonURL = getRootURL().appending(path: "/\(directoryName)/\(scanName)/scan.json")
        guard let mainStructureRoom = try?loadCapturedRoom(from: jsonURL) else { return }
        // 添加子结构
        if let subStructureRoom = try? loadCapturedRoom(from: data) {
            os_log("loadCapturedRoom string data success: %@", type: .error, String(describing: data))
        os_log("merge scan capturedRoomArray: %@", type: .error, String(describing: capturedRoomArray.count))
        Task {
            do {
                finalStructureResults = try await structureBuilder.capturedStructure(from: capturedRoomArray)
            }catch {
                print("Merging Error:\(error.localizedDescription)")
                guard let finalStructureResults else { return }
                try exportJson(from: finalStructureResults, to: jsonURL)
                let meshDestinationURL = jsonURL.deletingPathExtension().appendingPathExtension("usdz")
                let metadataDestinationURL = jsonURL.deletingPathExtension().appendingPathExtension("plist")
                try finalStructureResults.export(to: meshDestinationURL,
                                                 metadataURL: metadataDestinationURL,
                                                 exportOptions: [.mesh])
            } catch {
                print("Merge Error:\(error.localizedDescription)")

 func exportJson(from capturedStructure: CapturedStructure, to url: URL) throws {
        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
        encoder.outputFormatting = [.prettyPrinted, .sortedKeys]
        let data = try encoder.encode(capturedStructure)
        try data.write(to: url)

Note: Only json is missing the content of this or the next scan, usdz and plist are complete

The json decoded by capturestructure lacks the capture room data of this merger, but the usdz and plist generated by the export method are complete