Where is the Web entry for app iCloud SDK

I remember long time ago I could click on a button in Xcode to launch a Web page to manage iCloud data. But now I cannot find the button.

Answered by Timo2303 in 780885022

Hello :)

  1. Here is the link for the CloudKit Console. There you can manage all your iCloud stuff like containers.
  2. There is still no way to delete CloudKit containers. So the only opportunity is to hide them as you already did.

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask :)

I have found where the Web entry is. I have to enable CloudKit service in project settings. Now I have another problem - I accidentally created several database containers (long time ago out of curiosity by clicking a button that says "Enable ClouldKit" or something similar). But I cannot find a way to delete the garbage items. The only way is to hide them in the CloudKit management Web UI.

Accepted Answer

Hello :)

  1. Here is the link for the CloudKit Console. There you can manage all your iCloud stuff like containers.
  2. There is still no way to delete CloudKit containers. So the only opportunity is to hide them as you already did.

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask :)

Where is the Web entry for app iCloud SDK