Debug level logs not collected by log collect command

I am using sudo log collect --device-udid {device-udid} --last 7m command to collect logs . But it seems only info and error logs are getting collected in logarchive file even though I can se debug level logs getting printed in . How we can change the level to collect debug level logs as well from console app.

Options log collect command have -: --device Collect logs from first device found --device-name <name> Collect logs from device with the given name --device-udid <UDID> Collect logs from device with the given UDID --last <num>[m|h|d] Collect logs starting <num>[m|h|d] ago -output <path> Output log archive to the given path --size <num>[k|m] Limit log collection to the given size --start <time> Collect logs starting at the given time

There is no way to provide debug level in command .

to collect logs

It's not the logs. These the are the system wide logs.

Run the following command in the Terminal:

% sudo log config --status

You will probably get:

System mode = INFO

As they explain in the log man page, DEBUG is a level below INFO, so you may try to change the system level with:

% sudo log config --mode level:debug

This allows to get the debug logs when you run:

% sudo log collect --last 7m

i.e. the logs on the Mac.

I don't know whether it works for this --device-udid option as I'm not running on a macOS version where this option is available in log(1).

sudo log config --status shows System mode = DEBUG STREAM_LIVE

Also tried setting up for the app subsystem by using this command -: sudo log config --mode "level:debug" --subsystem com.your_company.your_subsystem_name

But sill for for --device-udid option not getting the debug logs .

Debug level logs not collected by log collect command