macOS 14.4: fileproviderctl removed listproviders option

Hi all,

with yesterday's macOS 14.4 update, fileproviderctl removed the listproviders option. I couldn't find a replacement.

Other options like dump domain result in error:

Import Cookie: Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (GSLibraryErrorDomain-Fehler 2 - Invalid volume URL)

Is there anything I can do about this except for wait for Apple to fix this? Or was removing listproviders even done intentionally?

Thanks! Sebastian

I have filed FB13674694 some days ago.

It seems someone filed (FB13580772) one before and apple replied them saying that they won't fix it!

All these commands which is available in 13.6 have been removed with 14.4

thumbnail [<provider> <domain> <itemid>]|[<url>] 
attributes <item> [--direct]
signal <provider> [<item id>]                                  
materialize <item> 
evict <item>...
stabilize [<domain>...]                                        
domain <action> [<domainid>]
interactive-scheduling <domain>

This does not really make development easier... especially the fact that we can no longer remove domains using fileproviderctl is really painful.

I am still curious why there is no explanation of why these crucial commands were removed?

So, how does one kill faulty providers now? my fileprovider is stuck again...

Nobody from Apple will comment on this? It's very aggravating.

macOS 14.4: fileproviderctl removed listproviders option