XCode 15 deleting packages.resolved

So I am running into a very strange issue. Xcode is deleting the Package.resolved file after every build, resulting in having to manually Reset Package caches after every build/run/test.

Extremely annoying, any idea why this is happening?

Same here. I've spent literally 10+ hours trying all sorts of things to resolve but no luck.

Same here. Any idea how to solve it?

agvtool seems to be the culprit. If I comment out its call in my pre-action script in the "Build" step in my scheme, the problem no longer occurs for me.

This does seem to be the cause. Any tips on increasing the build number without breaking packages?

I've moved my build bump script to the archive section of the scheme so that it only does it on archive vs building now. Not sure if that helps anyone but it reduces the number of times I've had to reset the package caches (for now).

Anyone found a solution to this? I run into this problem everytime I switch git branches while Xcode is open. And after I added agvtool to my build phase, it happens on each build. It is so annoying.

Running Archive used to wipe out all my resolved packages. This issue appeared after upgrading to Xcode 15.4

I used to have a run script in archive pre-actions cd "${PROJECT_DIR}" ; agvtool bump. I removed this and it seems to fix the issue with the packages disappearing after archive.

Same here, project looses all dependencies with agvtool next-version. I tried with fastlane also, but i think fastlane is also using agvtool behind the scenes, right?

Can't find a way to automatically increment the build number...is there any workaround?

Same here. Updated to Xcode 15.4 (from 15.2 I believe).

Same here. It's very annoying. I'm new to xcode and my experience has generally been very negative compared to most editors out there.

XCode 15 deleting packages.resolved