How tell if NSTableView is already displaying its last row entirely?

I am no expert at coordinate systems. I am kind of aware I can use its enclosingScrollView but don't know the details.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


I have not tested, but I would try to read the scroll position and check if it is at the maximum.

Get details here:,to%20a%20given%20coordinate%20system.

  • I am on Appkit, it seems NSScrollView does not have onChange event, and I cannot find any properties/notifications that can tell me the current scroll position. That's odd.

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At last, I found the answer myself, again. The answer lies in NSScroller.floatValue which inherited from NSControl.

let shouldDelegate = {
    if let scroller = scrollView.verticalScroller {
        return scroller.isHidden || scroller.floatValue == 0 || scroller.floatValue == 1.0
    return true