CloudKit private database & developer access to user data

My app does not knowingly capture or retain user data in any form, but I wanted to make sure that I don’t inadvertently have access to user data via CloudKit. I’m reaching out to confirm this.

Here’s the basic structure of the app - users can enter information which is then retained for their own use. I’m using SwiftData. @Model data is saved in a CloudKit container, which permits data syncing across iOS devices. I’ve never written any code to make the container database I’m using for the app (or zones within it) anything other than private, so I think (??) by default the data is stored privately. Data syncing does work and my dashboard shows a private database subscription but no public or shared subscriptions.

My understanding of this design has been that the user’s data was stored in their personal, private iCloud account and I did NOT have access to it (nor do I need or want to have access).

However, then I watched this WWDC 2018 video on GDPR compliance (, in which Michael Ford presents code that provides “visibility into the data that is saved in CloudKit for the user”, including the private database. This sounds to me like a developer might actually be able to access a user’s private database data.

Have I misinterpreted this WWDC 2018 presentation, has a developer’s access to user data in a private database changed since 2018, or do I actually have access to user data via my reliance on CloudKit to save user data?

Many thanks for your help!

CloudKit private database & developer access to user data