How to ideally track open sockets on macOS


We would like to track the open sockets on the machine. we don't want to use a constantly running thread that polls the open sockets (such as by using sysctlbyname) since it sometimes will miss short-lived sockets.

After some research we decided to implement a content filter (NEFilterDataProvider) that pass-through every socket flow.

However, as we see and read in the forum, all previously opened sockets are disconnected once the filter is applied, which is an undesired thing for users using a VPN that will disconnect as well.

We would like to know if there is a better way to track all sockets, preferably in an event-driven way, or, to prevent the existing sockets from disconnecting if we use the filter or other network extension.

or, to prevent the existing sockets from disconnecting if we use the filter or other network extension.

I think you should open an enhancement request for this for NEFilterProviderConfiguration to add a capability to preserve any existing connections that may be opened by NEFilterDataProvider starts. Please post your feedback ID here.


Here is the enhancement request ID: FB13696531


Besides the capability enhancement, Is there another way besides content Filter to get events on new sockets?


Thanks for that.

Is there another way besides content Filter to get events on new sockets?

I’m not sure you need that. Rather, at the time you product starts up, combine the approaches you’ve already described:

  • Use libproc to learn about connections.

  • Use an NE filter to learn about new ones.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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we just want to make sure if this is the recommended way by Apple to track the opened socket (using filter network extension), so we proceed with our implementation.

How to ideally track open sockets on macOS